1953 MONUMENT 2003

“Ear of corn” 2003 Zuidland, NL.

On the first of February 2003 it was exactly 50 years since the tragedy of the terrible flood that hit Holland killing thousands of Dutch people and numerous cattle. I was asked to design a sculpture for the pond in the center of the village to commemorate its losses. Thinking of the agricultural vicinity and the importance of water for growth and keeping in mind our world-renowned success in battling water to create land, I felt this monument should not only remind us of the catastrophe but give a positive outlook on the future as well. So together with Han de Kluijver and Ciltron BV we created this stainless steel ear of corn, bearing glass ‘seeds’ that look like the bricks dykes are build of. From between the glass water squirts out, creating wonderful rainbows whenever the sun shines!