Author Archives: Peter Bremers
Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass – YouTube
LewAllen Galleries – Four Glass Masters
May 20 – June 18, 2022
An exhibition of recent works of studio glass by four internationally recognized glass artists. Just as glass itself has the ability to encapsulate, radiate, consume, or transform light, this exhibition initiates elemental dialogues between four voices that explore the conceptual political, and expressive possibilities of glass sculpture. This specially curated exhibition offers serious collectors a special opportunity to acquire iconic examples of these extraordinary artists’ works.
See the LewAllen Galleries Digital Catalog Here: LewAllen Galleries – Four Glass Masters
Talking Out Your Glass (TOYG)
Talking Out Your Glass (TOYG) continues to evolve, including interviews with the nation’s finest borosilicate artists making both pipes and sculpture on the torch. Other current topics include how to work glass using sustainable practices and how artists address the issues of our times such as climate change, the political chasm, and life in the age of technology. TOYG is helping to document and preserve the history of glass art and artists in Internet archives and online galleries. Through questions and guest suggestions, there is the opportunity to inspire the direction of the show and contribute to exposing lesser known artists.
See Peter Bremers on: Talking Out Your Glass (TOYG)
Imagine Museum – YouTube
Contemporary Glass Society – YouTube
The Wise Fool Art Podcast
The Wise Fool Art Podcast is a show full of wit with some of the most interesting conversations curated by Matthew Dols, “The question I have never outgrown is Why? why do some people succeed where others fail, why does some art sell for millions while other are never even seen the light of day. What is that path to success that some see clearly and others never even know exist? Through this podcast I want to try to both level the playing field by offering everyone the opportunity to the same set of knowledge, and help offer a rising tide to lift all boats. There are too many stories about how people gain notoriety because they are at the right place at the right time and befriend the right person. I want to understand what came before that in order to make it so that those people were prepared for that chance meeting.”
Learn more about The Wise Fool Art Podcast of Glass Sculptor, Peter Bremers (Netherlands)
Etienne Gallery – Vibrations
“To me these glass sculptures are an expression of emotional and spiritual vibration. They are free to be interpreted and seen as mirrors before our feelings, our vibrating ‘being’ and energetic well-being. The wavy movement is like the dance of life: from left to right, up and down, up look for balance and then disrupt it. We are vibration.” – Peter Bremers 2020
“Voor mij zijn deze glassculpturen een expressie van emotionele en spirituele vibratie. Ze zijn vrij om te worden geïnterpreteerd en te zien als spiegels voor onze gevoelens, ons vibrerend “zijn” en energetisch welbevinden. De golvende beweging is als de dans van het leven: van links naar rechts, op en neer, op zoek naar balans om deze vervolgens weer te verstoren. Wij zijn vibratie.” – Peter Bremers 2020
– Read the full article, “Peter Bremers Vibrations“, from Etienne Gallery 2020.
New Glass/ Neues Glass
NEUES GLAS – NEW GLASS: art & architecture – No. 2 & 3 2020!!!
“The bright red cliffs of Arizona but also the crystal blue world of the Antarctic live in the glass objects of Dutch artist Peter Bremers. Hot-formed, cut, and polished gems, symphonies of color, light, and transparency reflect the landscapes the artist has traversed during his frequent journeys and wanderings.”
“Significant catalysts in Peter Bremers’ artistic career proved to be his travels, which made him an attentive observer of nature. ‘When we travel to other countries and cultures, not only our outer world changes but so does our inner world.’”
NG: “Can art change the world?”
PB: “Absolutely!!! Art observes, criticizes, transforms, asks questions, and most important: Art makes the invisible visible! Art is witness to culture and the cultural consciousness. Art is mundane, vulgar, and aggressive. Or spiritual, aesthetic, and disgusting. But it is always justified.”
– Read the full article, DESERTS, ICE CREAM, AND PINK BUNNIES, from NEUES GLAS – NEW GLASS: art & architecture; No. 2 & 3/2020.